Magnet systems LS 12-M & AS 12-M

If an exhaust is difficult to reach for direct pneumatic coupling, ecovent will provide you with the LS 12-M or AS 12-M systems. The exhaust hose is magnetically coupled to the vehicle, the funnel is positioned freely in front of or below the exhaust. The coupling is secured against rotation on the anchor plate attached to the vehicle.

The release occurs via a switching pulse when exiting. After uncoupling, the funnel is held above the ground using a balancer. All functions are ergonomic, smooth and safe. Just as you can expect from the German market leader for extraction technology for emergency vehicles.

The advantages at a glance:
  • Mobile extraction system from the parking space to the gate
  • Flexible detection of difficult exhaust variants
  • 125mm hose that fits tightly to the vehicle
  • No limit on the travel distance for the AS 12-M
  • Lots of freedom of movement on the vehicle
  • Magnetic coupling
  • High extension speeds
  • Gentle uncoupling, no oscillation of the hose

Further information can be found in our brochure for emergency vehicles.

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